Friday 20 April 2012

teenagers, do not smoke!

Smoking is one of the worst things teenagers can do to their bodies. Yet, every day, almost 5000 teenagers under the age of 18 try smoking for the first time.

Generally, smoking makes a teenagers' body less fit and more susceptible to infections. For example, teenagers who smoke are much more likely to get cold on pneumonia. Each time they light up, it hurts their heart, lungs and brain. The longer they smoke, the worse the damage becomes.

Smoking has such a long list of bad points that one wonders why teenagers smoke. Along with bad breath and stinky hair and clothes, smoking makes it harder to run and to play sports. It also causes difficulty for blood to move around in the body. Not only that, smokers often feel tired and cranky and cannot think quickly. Not surprisingly, they are more likely to get in trouble at school and get lower grades.

In conclusion, smoking not only brings about health problems but may also develop undesirable traits. teen smokers can become lazy, irresponsible and dishonest. Sorry to say

Friday 13 April 2012

Synopsis of QWERTYUIOP

Today i want to tell about the synopsis of the short stories that i have learn yesterday. The stories is about a young small girl named Lucy beck. Lucy Beck really wants a job because she does not want to be poor anymore. One day, without her expectation, she gets a job at Ross and Bannister's firm. She is really happy of getting the job, but once she starts to use the typewriter, the spirit of Miss Broome appears. The spirit haunts Lucy for a few days, but, with strong determination to maintain her position as a typist at the firm, Lucy is able to get rid of the spirit. This shows that Lucy is a brave girl, right? Although she is small and as not as intelligent like others, she is able to find way to eliminate the spirit of Miss Broome.

Moral of the story, be brave and do not judge a book by its cover..Do not judge a person by its physical appearance!hehe

Friday 6 April 2012

Let's Baking A Cake

A hobby is a pleasant activity done to pass leisure would definitely be fantastic if we can turn our hobby into a means of income as well. The benefits will be two.Told we reap enjoyment as well earn come income.
Do you know what is my hobby?

Yaaa my hobby is baking a cake .Believe it or not? i do love baking a cake. During weekends,i will bake cakes with my lovely mother is a good baker forever and ever.i must admit it.

 my hand made chocolate cake
My favourite cake is Cheese cake and chocolate cake.It is delicious but cheese cake is more delicious than chocolate cake