Friday 18 May 2012

Gulp ad Gasp..a brief overview

I am eager to study this drama, Gulp and Gasp because the drama was quite melancholic. When i read the drama, i really hope that i can meet a man like Percy. Ehem =))..Ok, this is a brief overview about the drama. 
This is a melodrama about a villain, Lord Septic who is greedy for more power, money and fame. He is even ca[able of committing murder to get what he wants. He owns the railways and is after the Gatsby gold. Crouch, Lord Septic’s manservant is a big bully. Rose is a damsel in distress who meets Percy, the hero. They fall in love and he rescues her from a bloody death at the railway tracks. Later, Percy learns he is the heir to the Gatsby gold and is known as Sir Percy. Lord Septic loses everything.
Percy in 21st century..-))


  1. the main character is percy and ROse
    i love both characters..Lord Septic is so disgusting,,Crouch is cool!

    1. After i read the drama, i think Crouch makes the drama alive..he is so funny
